Saturday, January 5, 2013

A New Beginning

It's the start of a new year and here I have been sitting moping around not ready for anything to begin. I thought about what it is that brings me joy and energy and I continued to be stuck in this funky mood not excited about anything. I finally started journaling to try and talk to God about what has been going on. I realized what I love to do is help people and pour into their lives. Here begins one of my projects for the new year. I am going to write to you all at least on a weekly basis about whatever is going on in my life and hopefully it will be helpful, perhaps entertaining or maybe even convicting.  I am not really sure what God has in store for this but I do know that God has given me lots to share.

Here's what it is on my heart right now:

I read Leviticus 1 and 2 today. These chapters are about offering up sacrifices to the Lord. It is very descriptive about the procedures that go into sacrifices. One of the most crucial things is that whatever the sacrifice it is, it has to be of the best that you have. So if you are sacrificing an animal, it has to be one without blemish.  The best of the best. The one that you would want to save for yourself to breed or to eat or whatever.  I was thinking about how that applies to my life.  Do I really give Jesus the best of my best? Do I really give 10% of my earnings with a cheerful heart?  Honestly, I do give, it's not exactly 10% and it's set up to just be taken out of my account every month so I don't have to worry about it. I am happy to give but I rarely even think about the fact that I am. Is that really giving the best of my best then? Shouldn't I want to strive to give even more than 10%?  I think that I do so I am going to do my best to get rid of my debt so I can give more and more.  

But money is just part of what God asks of me. What about my time?  Yes, I am in full time ministry and yes I go to church. Is that really the best of my best? Am I doing so with a cheerful heart? Do I go into everyday with a cheerful heart ready to give God my best?  Absolutely not. I often wake up not wanting to get out of bed. I will sleep in to the last minute and then not have time for my daily devotion or prayer in the morning. I will go into the day crabby and not really desiring to do whatever is on my to do list.  Is that serving God? Not really. If I just go into the day with an apathetic attitude trying to just check things off my list I am not really living my life for the Almighty Creator, the God of heaven and earth, the Prince of Peace, My Savior.  

Now, I am doing a heart check. God has given me so many gifts and abilities and I feel as though I have been wasting them. I am now trying to come up with creative ways to serve others and God in my daily life instead of just trying to figure out the big picture stuff.  I want to give God the best of my best.  I am starting by spending time with Him, writing this blog, and figuring out ways to get connected in my community.  I already feel a little better knowing that I am not just going to sit around my apartment wasting away waiting for whatever is next and doing nothing else. God has given me life to live! I want to live with great joy and bring honor to God. 

What about you? Are you giving the best of the best to God on a daily basis? What needs to look different in your life? What can you do even today?

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