Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Saying Goodbye

August 31st 2017

Saying Goodbye

I don't think anyone is actually any good at saying goodbye. (If you are, please tell me your secrets). With goodbye, comes change. Change is difficult and scary. While I don't have to say goodbye just yet, I'm sitting in my half packed up apartment in Korea struggling to finish the packing. If I finish, I have to say goodbye to my apartment and thus starts the snowball effect of goodbyes in the next week and a half. Somehow if I prolong the packing process, a small part of me feels like I don't have to begin that process just yet.

But inevitably, I will stop typing and finish packing. I will move my things to my temporary residence for a few days and I will have to say goodbye to this tiny apartment I called home for a year. It seems strange. All of this feels so surreal. It's almost like this whole year and whatever might come next has been a dream or something. I know that's not true, but I can't seem to shake whatever this feeling is.

I thought if I started typing maybe I could start to process through some of the grief that I'm feeling because that's really what I'm doing. I'm going through the waves of grief as I say goodbye to this new life I have built in Korea. There are so many moments where I have said that I don't actually want to leave. I know that I have to. (That's a much longer story for a different day). But living in South Korea has brought out new parts in me that I had no idea were there. It's helped me work through some identity issues. I have a better sense of myself. I know now more what I like and dislike. Though I still care so deeply about others, I've also started learning to love myself. This journey has been important and a beautiful part of my story, though difficult. It's scary to think about what comes after this.

But, just like every point of blind next steps, the trepidation of the unknown and the grieving of change, I must walk forward. I really think that's what it means to be brave. Being brave is being scared out of your mind and doing it anyway.

I know that my relationships will all start to change again. It makes me sad because I have made some amazing friends and met some truly wonderful people here. But I also know that I have some amazing people in the states waiting for my return and who knows what other people I might encounter in my next adventures.

Change is difficult. Learning how to balance the grief and the hope is a near impossible feat, but I think I'm starting to learn how to do that with a little more grace. Letting myself feel is part of that process. When I do, then I'm able to take another step forward and embrace change and reality.

I don't really have a huge point to hone in right now. I just needed to feel and work through some of these conflicting emotions. Blogging/writing helps me to do that. Thanks for reading.

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