Monday, June 19, 2017

Learning to Love Myself: Part V

Learning to Love Myself: Part V

Dear 15-year-old Jessica,

The world is a lot different than you thought. Though you were open to the gray areas of life, you only stepped into the kiddie pool of that realm. It gets a lot deeper and a lot wider. It's okay that you didn't know, you were only 15. I know you like to think that you are a really mature 15-year-old and you might be, but there's still a lot more to learn. And the reality is, some of the black and white things in your life kept you safe. It gave you structure when you needed it in the midst of a really chaotic world. It gave you what you needed at the time and that's okay. But,15-year-old Jessica, you were wrong about a lot of things. I know that's a weird thing to hear and you probably knew that but really it's okay. As a 29-year-old, you have lived a bit more life. You have been able to learn more about the world and how the gray area is okay. Letting go of the structure has been the hardest part for you but really the structure is no longer keeping you safe and it's just preventing you from being the amazing woman you could be. It's grounding you instead of enabling you to fly. So, dearest 15-year-old me, I'm going to have to let go of your precious, beautiful voice. You have given me some great things, but I need a new voice. I need one that will let me fly instead of holding me back. I will look back on you with fondness and not with judgment because you see, if I look at you with that judgment, well that's your voice and not the new voice I'm trying to find. So, goodbye 15-year-old Jessica. You will be well remembered, but you cannot stay in my inner circle any longer. I have to move on and say goodbye.

29-year-old Jessica

I know this might seem a very bizarre post, however, it has been an interesting thing to discover in my counseling sessions. Many of the voices in my head are not my own. The voices that are there have kept me safe at different points in my life and were great tools at the time but I am a different person with many different life circumstances, so I'm learning to name the voices that are there and start to differentiate what needs to be said more to me now. I realized that one of those voices was my very own but from when I was much younger. If 15-year-old could see me now, she would be saying, "What the hell are you doing with your life?" And, I have to let that voice go because it isn't helpful and I've grown past needing that voice. I'm a much different person now.

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